An economic impact study about your research infrastructure project is sometimes required to convince main stakeholders (national scientific authorities, ministries, regional authorities, etc.) of investing into your project.

Europportunities uses several economic and econometric models to measure the impact of research projects or research infrastructure projects.

One of the economic model that is retained to perform this analysis is the Input-Output model, an economic approach developed in the 1940s-1950s to assess the direct impact on the different sectors of a given economy of additional (public) expenditures. Historically, I/O analysis were meant to understand in which sector additional public expenditure would deliver the most efficient impact in terms of global output (production). Although this model is now outdated by more complex econometric simulations, requiring massive computer capacities and complex development, the Input-Output model remains popular among public authorities, to assess rapidly of the direct impact of additional expenditures.

Authorities are also often interested to understand the knock-on effect of an individual research project or research infrastructure project on development and innovation expenditures and outcomes in one or several industrial sectors. Europportunities OÜ uses data from public tender procedures, annual financial accounts and interviews to understand and measure the R&D efforts that can be directly linked to a certain project, in a region, country or worldwide.

We have developed such studies for several Research Infrastructure projects. Europportunities OÜ can provide you with such a simulation of the impact of your project in your country, region and/or worldwide. If you are interested or have questions about our Economic impact studies, please take contact with us.